Monday, May 6, 2013

the story of us.

this is us.

two lovers of cheeseburgers, technology, our animals, house projects, vacations, in depth tv shows (currently in the middle of Homeland and does mon amor not look just look Brody in this picture??), and mostly, each other. 

we have a long history. not a particularly close one at first, but a long one. i've known this kid since we were the wee old age of 11. we went to school together all through high school. parts of the same groups of friends, his friends dated mine, we hung out at parties, but we were never close. after high school, i went to the same college as a few of my close girlfriends. Kevan would come down and visit with a few of our guy friends... and that's where the story of us really begins.

maybe it was all of those crazy college weekends, maybe it was seeing a familiar face from home amongst all of the new, all that i know is that's when he really became my true friend. but alas, as most love stories go, those carefree days were numbered. Kevan joined the navy.

he had a million amazing experiences that (cross your fingers) i might get him to talk about here, but those are his stories to tell. my part of the story is that as the physical distance between us grew, something else did too. when he'd come home, i was his first phone call (after his mom hee hee). when we'd hang out, my heart started to get a little fluttery. something about him, about me, about us was changing. we were moving from the friend zone to the lovers zone ;) ew, sorry mom...

5 years later, we're homeowners on our way to the wedding of our dreams. we started as best friends who could make each other laugh with just a look and in just over a year, we'll be taking vows to officially continue our sleepovers forever.

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