Thursday, August 8, 2013

live for good.

i saw this commercial for the first time just now and it really resonates with me.

we tend to get so caught up with living these crazy, busy lives and forget that the true meaning is to literally stop and smell the roses. slow down and absorb what you're living, don't just run through it.

make time to live your life and make it good.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

400 million, you say?

so i've always thought to myself, "what would i do... truly... if i won the lottery?" so i decided to make a list :)

*have Winnie's face put the dollar bill... not that ugly wiener dog. (jokes... all around)
*pay off my and my family's debts
*finish all of our house projects
*buy a new car
*buy a cabin
*quite my job and volunteer at Hammer
*go back to school
*have a personal trainer
*start a catering company
*help others 

really though, can you even put that much money to use over a lifetime? $400,000,000.00. that's a shit ton of zeros. you can really only spend so much on yourself before it becomes outrageous and i get more joy out of giving then receiving anyways. i would probably buy presents for family/friends everyday, just to make them love me more... i mean... to make them happy... yes... make them happy. 

well good luck to all of your lottery whores out there! i'll be joining you in the drawing tonight and am really hoping that you all lose. of you.

(i'm sorry for saying "shit" and "whores", mom)

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

on finding balance.

i've never been particularly good with willpower, making myself do things that i don't really want do.

a glass + 12 of wine? sure! fettuccine alfredo followed by cheesecake?? YOLO! 

i'm just not good at it and always seem to find an excuse as to why i "deserve" this or that.

i think once i ballooned to my pre-medifast weight, i started to be a little more conscience, but that was probably because my overstuffed body had nowhere for that big mac or ice cream sundae to go. i couldn't shove another fried or creamy morsel in without the fear of having a heart attack on the spot. 

in all honesty, i really took a step back and looked at what i was doing to my body, my relationship, my life in general and didn't like what i saw. i tried several times to make a change and get healthy, to no avail. but this time, something clicked. i feel so much better about saying no to things that i once was never able to pass up. and i don't feel like i'm being deprived of anything either. like times before, i basically ate protein shakes and hummus with carrots for weeeeeks to the point where i can barely look at hummus anymore and i lost some weight, but it all came back the second that i went off the diet. there was so much that i wouldn't let myself have, that the moment i slipped it was more of a fall off of a cliff. now, i don't want those things. well... that's a lie. i'd still love to have some of my old crutches, but the difference is that i don't feel the need to. 

it's not easy though. 

there are times that i slip up, but instead of saying f-it and jumping off the cliff into a peanut butter shake or bottle of wine, i get back on track, go for a walk, and try not to do it again. i'm learning as i go and so far it's been a really great process. i'm realizing that willpower truly is mind over matter and once i find a balance that fits me, weight loss and healthy living wont even be a thought. it'll just be my life.

and i feel like i'm starting to find it.

Monday, August 5, 2013

dun na... dun na... dun na dun na dun na dun na shark week!

ok... before i get going on this post i just have to say that i'm currently watching 'Voodoo Sharks' and these researchers are so damn rough with these poor sharks! i know they're doing a good thing by gathering information that shows people that these misunderstood creatures aren't as harmful as once believed, but come on! a little hug and a sweet song never hurt no one. 


i love sharks and i love that shark week really shines a light on these misunderstood creatures and shows that maybe they're not all man eating monsters and in honor of this fabulous week, i thought i'd put together a few little ideas to hosting a shark week party. how fun is that shark shrimp cocktail?? or the sweedish fish in the melon shark mouth? i would personally ditch the melon and just eat a bag of those damn fish. oh! and those cupcakes? yeah... they're filled with a jam so it looks like they're oozing blood when you bite into them. classic.

happy shark week!

shrimp shark cocktail
shark cupcakes
shark cocktail
shark melon